Thursday, 1 January 2009

Day 78 - Thurs 01 Jan 2009

I woke at about 2pm, after getting to sleep about 12 hours' earlier and read some of the brochures I'd picked up in the hostel the night before, then fell asleep again until 7.15pm, giving me a huge combined sleep time for the night of around 17 hours! Obviously my body needed the rest, particularly after the events of the 30th when I had hardly any sleep before my early morning flight.

When I eventually got up at 8pm I went to PieFace and bought Thai and Chicken pies with smash and peas, eating them back at the hostel at the communcal kitchen table, chatting to Alan, Emer, Mika, Marianne, Rob, Inge (Holland), Tony (London) and (Worcester) during the evening.

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